Thursday 22 March 2012

LionsXII vs Selangor

Pergh panas ati tengok game nih....first half sgor main gud2 je...Lions nampak tertekan masuk second half  hancus lebur tgok diorg main , lagi parah bile Suffian(Lions) menjaringkan Gol Pertama... lagi teruk la player selangor main yang paling aku suke tengok Fitri a.k.a Kecik die main beshh rajin.. Basko pun okey terpaksa turun naik amik bola tp asyik2 jatuh stresssss wa tngok...

tapi Alhamdullilah selangor dpt sepakan percuma xjauh dr pinto gol Lions itu pun sebab R Surendren Dijatuhkan(die nih best main nape lah irfan bakti xbg die main jer sblm ni) akhir nyer GOLLL hasil dr sepakan Bosko Ba8 hehe.. Seri sampai la tamat permainan.. walau pun seri tapi okey dari kalah kan..wa pun okey je la...

tertibe2 ari ni yang tergerak ati nak pegi page LionsXII (
panas aty la baca komen2 diorg haiiii..eeeee korang baca la... pasal bola je pongggg ..haishhhhhh
komen cam gud2 je kan...wa malas la nak ckp ape yg tak puas ati kan...korang baca je la....sentap gak ni tp jap je...

  • pg jb amik minyak org
    sial punya matrep
    korang nothing la kat singapore babi tu

    Tuesday at 10:14pm ·  ·  4

  • Kun El ‎@ Khairul what the hell u talking cock.. Comeon LionsXII play big field havent lose yet...
    Tuesday at 10:15pm ·  ·  2

  • Zúhairi Zulkifli I love Mas ♥
    Tuesday at 10:16pm ·  ·  3

  • Darrel Jia Ming Tan true enough, that is nearly a National Team Vs State Team.....
    Tuesday at 10:16pm · 

  • Muhammad Aliff Yg penting kite beli ngan duit halal bkn mcm korang tahu nk rompak Dari org kite... Tk tahu nk kerja curi mahu.... Sudahlah aku nk tdo malas nk layan bdk2 kampong ni semua.... Tk faham aku bahasa kontol krg....
    Tuesday at 10:17pm ·  ·  9

  • Afiq Mifzal S'pore has no choice to name their stadium as Stadium Jalan Besar because they stadium is too small.
    Tuesday at 10:18pm ·  ·  1

  • Erik Faz Did you guys read today newspaper? FAM president said they gonna cut down the age limit for LionsXII from under 28 to under 23 next season if we win all the league and cup trophies. as quoted from the president himself- "lionsxii cant win it all, if they do, we have to cut the age limit." <-- like seriously?? WHAT THE FCUK? takot or what? lol.
    Tuesday at 10:18pm ·  ·  5

  • Amir Shazril Tarmizi actually,u-21 sngpoor is to weak,damn
    cos of that,fas don't send u-21 sngpoor team cos scare to lose

    Tuesday at 10:19pm ·  ·  2

  • Why Emily dorang ni singapore
    cuci kete pun kat sini
    menyemak je..
    isi minyak mlm2
    pg mkn mcm kat sane tade mknan
    org msia tak mati la tak pg spore tu..
    korang boleh mati tanpa singapore
    fuck u all singapore bustard

    Tuesday at 10:19pm ·  ·  1

  • Amir Shazril Tarmizi nmpak benor sngpoor pnakut..!!
    dh msuk msl,wat taik!!
    mule blik rasuah kt msl..

    Tuesday at 10:20pm ·  ·  1

  • Capten Angkasa I think we sont talk about local or import player its because malaysian r refering to our national team n yes our national team there is an import player.. Lionxii is not representing for singapore national team but its a club.. So no point arguing... Just njoy the football guyz well at least there is an activity to watch on weekdays..
    Tuesday at 10:20pm ·  ·  3

  • Lim Pia Lin Hellow S-League is a very long term up to next year, LionsXII is a non import players national teams against the whole malaysia clubs, Malaysia super league just like AFF cup will be end very fast. LionsXII can able to destroy 7 clubs and gets into the top table.
    Tuesday at 10:20pm ·  ·  1

  • Why Emily wei punkimak muhammad aliff
    ko dtg sini skang

    babi punya budak
    duit halal tu jgn la amik harta halal org msia
    mak ko pelacur ke?

    Tuesday at 10:21pm ·  ·  1

  • Afiq Mifzal S'pore main dekat Bukit Jalil berpeluh satu badan 

p/s : xkira la klu klh @ mng jgn la saling kutuk mengutuk... elok Msia & Spore xde mslh nnti Berbalah pulak...

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